
Wednesday 19 December 2012

Toddler Group Christmas Tea Party

Yesterday was that time of year again! It was the last day at Toddler Group before Christmas. We had a little tea party for all of the children. The Mums, Dad, Grandparents and childminders all had mince pies and chocolate log with their teas and coffees, and we wished Katherine, the lady who comes to help from the Children's Centre, lots and lots of luck as she goes off on her maternity leave. (I also gave her the blanket I made, and we'd done a collection from toddler group).

We also had lots of gifts to give out. Each child has a present, a chocolate selection box and a book. Pretty good if I do say so myself! It means a manic shopping and wrapping trip for me, but it's all worth it when you see how excited the children get when their name is called out.

Our poor little Small Person has a nasty cough and didn't get a lot of sleep. She took the day off school, but we couldn't leave her at home, so she sat in the back room with her feet up, wrapped in a big blanket with the portable DVD player. She had some of the tea party food, so she didn't completely miss out, but then she wasn't feeling that hungry anyway.

One of the mums did a covert collection for all of the helpers, so we each got a surprise present as a thank you, and I had quite a few people come up to me and say thank you for all the hard work and that it is appreciated, what a nice party it had been, and what a good job we'd all done. That makes it all worth it when you get such nice comments and know that the effort you put in is noticed. It really made my day.

The Smaller Person was pretty pleased with his little fire truck gift. So much for keeping it until Christmas Day, it was unwrapped before Mr Bogert or I could blink!

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