
Saturday 23 June 2012

Our Scarecrows

I've mentioned in a few posts now that this weekend is the Village Open Gardens and Scarecrow Trail. This is a biennial event and usually attracts quite a nice turn out.
Last time (2010) I was pregnant with the Smaller Person but still managed to trek around all of the lovely gardens. Mr Bogert and I like to make sure that there are plenty of photographs to document the event and all of the beautiful flowers and creative Scarecrows.

I showed the Small Person's flowers and portrait of the Queen, which is part of the Sunday School display in the Church, in my last post, and before that the children's Toddler Group Crafts that will also be on display in the Church.

Mr Bogert and I also get involved by making scarecrows for the scarecrow Trail. Last time we made a one legged pirate. We also made a cowboy for my Nan and Grandad. We left it until the last minute for this years creations! Eeeek! But here they are.

Mr Bogert assembled and stuffed as I sewed and cut. Mr Bogert's grumbles throughout the whole process were mildly amusing (you know, as random limbs kept falling off and sticks slid out of position and he attempted to wrestle his half built Smurf into submission). Mr Bogert's sewing was also quite impressive. Contrary to what he would have you believe, he CAN sew. But, as he stitched up the back of the boy smurfs head, there was much stretching and overlapping of folds of fabric, the occassional knotted up mess, snapped and then re-attatched thread.

Partially assembled bodies.

We used garden canes, blue t-shirts from the pound shop, some felt, white socks, white fabric for smurfettes dress, some white toddler trousers (also from poundland) for the boy smurf, and old towel for the hats and lots and lots of newspaper for stuffing. I also used craft foam for the eyes and smurfettes mouth.

They are now positioned out along the main road, either side of one of the Parish Council Notice Boards.

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