
Monday 12 December 2011

Christmas Countdown - 12

No movie again! Busy busy busy...

It was Mr Bogert's last day at work until January. He is a big kid and LOVES Christmas, so he saves up as much holiday as he can, and takes it all across Christmas and into the New Year. He doesn't return until 3rd January. Yay! Mr Bogert around the house is much nicer than without.

I collected the Small Person from school as normal to go to her Ballet and Tap dancing classes. Mr Bogert met us there and then we had to go right on out shopping for the last minute items fro Toddler Group. Do you know how difficult it is buying an age appropriate gift within a budget of around £5-£6? REALLY difficult, especially for the inbetweeny ages of 1 and 2.

It was 7.30pm by the time we got home! Definitely NO time for movies at that time especially on a school night.

I spent a great deal of time yesterday wrapping gifts, selecting books to go with them and labelling the packages. Mr Bogert and I watched 'Immortals' while I was busy.

Hopefully I'm all set for the madness of the Toddler Group Christmas Party...

Only 13 sleeps 'til Christmas!

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